Monday, September 19, 2011

Rosly NY, Rallye Acura Dealership, buyer beware

Rallye Acura, unfair working conditions

Buyers Beware!! Your vehicles are being repaired by Technicians and Mechanics that are working under duress and Harassment.  Unusual amounts of vehicles are being serviced by one employee under severe stress and being forced to take on the much added work load due to an anusual amount of employees who quit under the unsual and unfair and unlawful acts taking place against the service workers at Rallye Acura. EACH TYPE OF REPAIR HAS AN ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TIME FOR REPAIRS TO BE DONE CORRECTLY BY THE AVERAGE MECHANIC/TECHNICIAN. These workers are being forced to complete the jobs in 1/3 of the time regardless of how they get it done. forgotten bolt could mean your life when you drive away....

Rallye Acura located in Roslyn Ny practices unfair local civil labor laws, and has done so for far too long.  Employees facing tough economic times and job loss are bullied into submission of strange, unusual and unorthodox employment rules.

Under direct orders of the Service Manager Kenneth Grant employees must not laugh, giggle,
speak to one another listen to music or get caught using their private cell phones even for home emergencies. Failure to comply can result in termination or consfiscation of their cell phone by the Manager himself. Employees were bullied into signing over authority to Mr. Grant to confiscate their private cell phones or face termination on the spot.

Rallye Acura Pay Wage scale goes according to ethnicity.  Entry level caucasian automotive mechanics, and helpers are paid far higher wages then skilled and experienced Automotive Technicians and Mechanics of color, or other minority decent. Mr. Grant has
been witnessed using directed abusive profanity at the workers as an intimidation factor to encourage more work overload to be completed in an unrealistic time frame. Mr. Grant has also been witnessed to slap off food of an employee stored in its lunch container down to the floor with the back of his hand and order that employee to clean up the mess.

For each indivual that quits it multiplies the work load for all other workers yet they are still expected to complete the work in same amount of work time allowed for lesser amounts of work.  This endangers the customers who bring in their vehicles for repairs due to the time restriction, distraction from the service manager yelling profanity at the mechanics and technicians and simply by the added stress put on the workers.

Currently in the year of 2011 eleven workers have quit due to the unbearable harassment of Kenneth Grant. The employees who have attempted to file complaints with Human Resources have found themselves terminated soon after. Disciplinary actions that set the example for those who think of attempting the same in the future. This results in fewer formal complaints.

The majority of current employees at the service center including those who quit all have something in common. These employees are suffering from intestinal diseases and anxiety conditions brought on by the stress and working conditions brought on by the service manager Kenneth Grant.

Easy solution..just quit? would you just quit if you have children to support and a mortgage to pay in this economy?  BUYER BEWARE bringing in your vehicle for repair
at the service center of Rallye Acura at Roslyn NY is at your own risk... Your vehicle is being repaired by disgruntled, physically and mentally exhausted, under-paid, depressed and stressed technicians and mechanics. SLAVERY days are long over. Maybe someone should have told Ms. Juliana Terian, owner of Rallye Acura Dealership. Under some scrutiny Rallye has forced the most skilled and experienced minority worker to be the voice of the employees to state that all is well and workers are happy...this Automotive Mechanic also happens to be the mildest-mannered, non confrontational worker Rallye has. This gentlemen was not given the option although intially workers were suppose to "elect" the person of choice to represent their issues at the work place.

Former Employees, and current employees: check out your local labor laws, there are local labor laws in place to protect you. Document each incident, the time and date and which employee witnessed the incident. If at all possible secretly record incidents of your own or others with your cell phones!  most local labor laws require 50 complainants to initiate a class action lawsuit. 

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